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Ninjakel 09-14-2009 10:37 AM

am I right????

HokieDNA01 09-14-2009 10:47 AM

Well damn it Kel. You could have left them guessing for a while. The mastiff is a Bull mastiff...

And check this shit out...this is NOT a photoshop. Its called double muscling and this dog is a whippet. creepy.

the chi 09-14-2009 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 265235)
Well damn it Kel. You could have left them guessing for a while. The mastiff is a Bull mastiff...

And check this shit out...this is NOT a photoshop. Its called double muscling and this dog is a whippet. creepy.

Ive actually seen a tv episode about Wendy, the freaky whippet. Very interesting, a rare genetic problem whippets have...poor lady is accused all the time of doping her dog...can you imagine if humans were able to isolate and utilize something like that..?

shmike 09-14-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 265236)
Ive actually seen a tv episode about Wendy, the freaky whippet. Very interesting, a rare genetic problem whippets have...poor lady is accused all the time of doping her dog...can you imagine if humans were able to isolate and utilize something like that..?

They have:

Tmall 09-14-2009 11:10 AM

Strange how since his father stopped giving him steepids, he's average sized..

Kaneman 09-14-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 265220)
It can be very hard to tell. Only one of these is an American Pit Bull Terrier. Can you find it?

Don't you dare try to use that goddamn logic with Tigger! What's wrong with you Hokie?!? You really want a brain explosion on your conscience?

Amber Lamps 09-14-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Triple (Post 265160)
Have you met many animal control officers?

Your stats fail to paint the whole picture. You are less likely to be attacked by a pit bull than many, MANY other breeds and mixes of dogs. Pit bulls and breeds like them are just more likely to seriously mess you up when they do attack, because they are much more powerful, relentless animals than labs, retrievers, etc.

I've been on the receiving end of attacks from all sorts of canines (almost all of which were my fault, I'll add), and it's much easier to ward off a big lab than it is an extemely determined bully breed. When a poorly socialized pit bull (or a pit bull minus its owner) decides to attack, there isn't much short of knocking it unconscious that will make it stop. That said, most bully breeds I've encountered weren't aggressive in the first place.

Man this is like a gun control argument... it's never going to be the dog is it? 67% out of the what, hundreds of breeds, not to mention the mixes that DON'T get called out as pits...if you're ready to say they can be wrong one way, you have to be aware that they can call the breed wrong and NOT name it a pit after an incident.

What's killing me, one side says it's the owner's fault when dogs are bad. Hokie is saying that her parent's dog attacks other dogs but it's not the dog's or her parent's fault. You are almost saying that it's the person who gets attacked fault, and to top it off you think that animal control officers are idiots and more that 50% incorrect in their breed identifications.

I guess I'm confused, when a dog bites is it;

a. the owner's fault
b. the dog's fault/temperament/breed
c. the victim's fault
d. Cesar Milan's for making a bunch of suckers believe that they can own potentially dangerous animals without incident if they hold their collars a certain way.:lol:

Come on, I'm sure that we can all understand that it's a combination of a, b, and c (maybe a little of d as well :lol:) You can't just rule out the possibility that if Hokie's parents had owned a different dog (possibly even a pit) that the situation might be different and incident-less. That if the trailer trash had owned a poodle that the baby would still have it's toes. I honestly believe that dogs have individual personalities just like people and like people different types have different strengths and characteristics, in general. Stereotypes suck BUT they rarely just get started without any reason whatsoever. :idk:

azoomm 09-14-2009 05:42 PM


I think people need to be aware of the animals that they have. They are, first and foremost, animals that live life by instinct and learned behavior FIRST. Ignorance is not an excuse.

I am very aware that my dog, if put in the right situation, could kill. I just don't like the idea of putting any breed into a bracket. It's profiling... just because it's profiling dogs doesn't make it any better than profiling humans.

Amber Lamps 09-14-2009 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 265253)
Don't you dare try to use that goddamn logic with Tigger! What's wrong with you Hokie?!? You really want a brain explosion on your conscience?

What logic? When did I ever say that "all animal control officers make perfect identifications"? In fact, I've given you 50% wrong! That's a fuck load plus, as I've said, if you maintain that they can be wrong one way, you HAVE to agree that they might make a mistake and not identify a pit mix and call it something else.

I'm glad that you all have good dogs, seriously. If you guys all go out and buy leopard cubs and swear they make great pets, I'm not going to get one of those either. :lol:

We had a wolf mix when I was a kid and the dog was great with us. I remember riding on it's back when I was little (really big dog). Killed a bunch of neighborhood dogs and bit a few kids.

I could tell you how he pulled me on my skateboard, or how we used to wrestle and he always let me win. How he woke us up when there was a fire (true story) or how he attacked some dudes that had chased me home from school.

Unfortunately, I could also tell you how we had to replace the front door because it used to be glass and the dog went through it after the mailman. He attacked my step mom when she came into my room to yell at me and he was on the bed (I kinda enjoyed that one). How a neighbor kid had to get a ton of stitches because she didn't see the dog and stepped in our yard. Or how a stupid neighbor's dog got loose one time too many and ended up with a broken neck.

Amber Lamps 09-14-2009 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 265479)

I think people need to be aware of the animals that they have. They are, first and foremost, animals that live life by instinct and learned behavior FIRST. Ignorance is not an excuse.

I am very aware that my dog, if put in the right situation, could kill. I just don't like the idea of putting any breed into a bracket. It's profiling... just because it's profiling dogs doesn't make it any better than profiling humans.

Or any worse...

Yea you're right we shouldn't profile ANY animals. Go ahead and pick up that rattlesnake, they're not dangerous. They're just a victim of PROFILING!!!:lol:

Don't you agree that some breeds of dogs are bigger than others? Some are faster? Smarter? It always gets me that positive profiling is okay but don't you dare say anything negative!!! I don't care if you have facts, they must be wrong. I don't care if you have documentation, it has to be falsified or the documentors are idiots/incompetent. I don't care if there are thousands of news stories, it's media bias. (um, even the first story?) I don't care if you have personal stories, it must have been the circumstances/owners/victims.

When did it start becoming profiling/media bias? The 10th incident? The 100th?...the 1000th?...the 10,000th? :idk:

What if I told you that I have a pet leopard and it's an AWESOME pet! It plays with my kids and is so sweet! Would you go out and get one? Why not? Oh you've heard the story about the leopard owner in New York who was mauled...- he was a bad owner and didn't assert himself as pack leader. Huh, what about the 5 year old that lost his leg? Hey he was taunting the leopard and the animal was improperly exercised and trained. It's all just a bunch of media bias and sensationalism, don't pay it any attention! Besides, those animals may just as well been panthers, cheetahs or tigers, you know how stupid animal control officers are.:lol:

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