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z06boy 03-01-2010 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 344155)
That dude is completely off his rocker.



Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 344172)
Criminal History = check
Cokehead = check
Living on public assistance (Welfare\Foodstamps\section 8 housing) = check
Hero to the white man = lulz

Definitely not a hero and I personally never thought he was but did laugh and am glad he dropped the other loser for walking up to the front of the bus thinking he was going to school an old white guy. :lol:


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 344174)
Well let that be a lesson to all. If you pick a fight with a random guy then he could:

a) ... have a gun and blow you away.

... or...

b) ... be Epic Beard Man.

Yep :rofl:


Originally Posted by Apoc (Post 344201)
Ahhh... Ya gotta wonder, did vietnam do that to him? Was he always a motherfucker? And if his weed is good, why's he gotta ruin it by putting coke on it?


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 344204)
He's retarded that's why.



Originally Posted by Apoc (Post 344205)
Vietnam (and war in general) turned more than one soldier completely off his rocker.

Its not like this is uncommon of soldiers in past wars.

Not at all.

It's sad really and makes me wonder what we're gonna have walking around in the future when all of the troops come back from Iraq and Afghanistan. :no:

I don't mean all of the troop being this way but even a small percentage can still be a high number.

Tmall 03-01-2010 04:00 PM

These findings are becoming more and more common..

Kaneman 03-01-2010 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 344228)

:lol: Yea, sure.

karl_1052 03-01-2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Lon D (Post 337657)
Obviously you all are completely glossing over a few things here...the black guy wasn't some "young thug" but a man of 50. The old white guy is a nut and known for his violent out bursts-could this mean that a white man actually started this fight? No it must have been the black guy who done it...we're always starting shit with random white people on the bus for no reason. You all assumed that the evil black people stole the man's bag-nice...You all assumed that the other black people were with this guy, because you know, we all travel in gangs, even though I saw zero evidence of "ganging up" on the white guy, you all went on about what a "pussy" this black guy was for being in a gang... I'm like what fucking gang? This guy was probably on his way home from work or something.... you all sure made a bunch of assumptions that, in my mind, really tell what kind of people you are and what your attitudes about black people are.

How's this for a possibility, black guy riding the bus after working 10 hours, nut job white guy gets on the bus and starts harassing him to "shine his shoes", black guy puts up with it for a while and finally tells the dude to go away. White guy keeps yelling shit back to the black guy. Black guy gets fed up and go to the front to confront the white guy but is still hesitant to hurt the older man. Crazy white guy strikes first and kicks the black guy's ass. Black guy gets a ride to the hospital and another bill that he can hardly pay. It seems that he quit school to help his mother when his father was killed in Vietnam during the Tet offensive...

We all know blacks don't work.

karl_1052 03-01-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 337384)
I've lots of practice as the ghost cock.


Homeslice 03-01-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 344228)

Study basically says kids who smoked over a longer time, were more likely to have experienced an episode of psychosis.


That's like saying kids who were drinkers over a longer period of time, were more likely to have blacked out. No shit, if you are a drinker for 6 years, then sooner or later during those 6 years you're probably going to get drunk off your ass.

The study says nothing about whether people continue having psychotic episodes/dellusions/whatever AFTER they quit smoking.

karl_1052 03-01-2010 06:03 PM

they were both idiots.


marko138 03-01-2010 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 344479)
We all know blacks don't work.

You're trying to bait the old Tigger into returning, aren't you?

Amber Lamps 03-01-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 344479)
We all know blacks don't work.

Not anymore than they have to for sure!

Amber Lamps 03-01-2010 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 344505)
they were both idiots.


Absolutely! The only person stupider was me for trying to defend that piece of crap!

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