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fasternyou929 07-23-2009 11:04 PM

Do You Have Any Regrets?
Pulling this from another thread that has me curious.

Do you honestly feel you have no regrets in your life?

What does the word "regret" mean to you?

Originally Posted by fasternyou929 (Post 246147)
People crack me up with the "no regrets" Utopian cliche. I don't believe you can live 30+ years and not have a single "maybe I should've done that differently" moment. :lol:


Originally Posted by HurricaneHeather (Post 246178)
I think the mindset it not looking at it negatively. Yeah I have done stupid things I shouldn't have. With the little stuff, it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. For the big stuff, it shapes who you are and therefore not worth regretting. Take it for what it is, learn from in, and move on. :shrug:

That's just the way I see it anyway. :lol:


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 246195)
Yep, I agree with that. Hell, I could give you a mile long list of things that I've "regretted" at the time but looking back and taking in the big picture, I'm "okay" with my life for the most part.

Example, I shot my mom's boyfriend when I was 16. I "regret" that happened but if I wasn't there he may have killed my mom and/or sister and I would have had to regret that... see what I mean?:idk: IMHO regrets are a waste of time.


Originally Posted by fasternyou929 (Post 246241)
So if it's in the past, it's not a regret anymore? Sounds like a coping mechanism to shrug responsibility for poor decisions to me, I mean, what's wrong with looking back and saying "yeah, that was a poor choice"? Is a regret really anything more than that?

ETA: I'm not talking about a situation like shooting someone/defending family, but what about not doing your best in a job interview and losing the spot? Or not dedicating more time to something you enjoy rather than work? Do those not qualify as regrets? Or am I one of the few that have had a few speed bumps in the road of life? :lol:

IMHO regrets are not a waste of time if you learn from them. And learning from something doesn't have to nullify it as a regret because it "made you who you are".


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 246267)
Hmmm... well I'm not a deep thinker as you all know but if you've learned something then you can put it down to a "learning experience" which is something you shouldn't reget...:idk:

I understand what you mean but, okay here's another example, a lot of people wish they had spent more time with their family instead of working. Sounds good on the surface but let's say that you did that and sure you go to every game and see every first step, hear every first word but you you suddenly take ill and die today. How will your kids go to college? There's no money in the bank and the mortgage is due. Your son has to drop out of high school and get a job to help support the family... In this situation you would regret not being a better provide for your family, would you not? There can always something to regret or you can focus on the positive. No matter how successful you are in one area, there will always be room for possible regrets, imho. Regretting something will not change anything, thus it's a waste of time. You do the best that you can, with what you have and hope for the best!:idk:


Originally Posted by fasternyou929 (Post 246323)
I definitely agree, not all mistakes are regrets and the examples you give above are good ones.

However, I hear people use "learning experience" too often. Some things people already know is wrong, they do it anyway, and write the consequences off as a "learning experience". For example, something that results in job loss, in a crash and/or bodily harm, in hurting a loved one, etc..

To me, a regret is simply admitting to yourself that in your past you could have done something better or would have been better off NOT doing something. I think it has more to do with being honest with yourself about your life choices than it does being negative or dwelling on the past. So, in turn, I always view the "I don't have a single regret in 30 years" posts as a being a little dishonest with yourself.

shmike 07-23-2009 11:09 PM

I have had lots of "learning experiences."

Some I regret.

All have made me who I am today.

I pretty much agree 100% w/ faster but I'm sure he already knew that. :lol:

Rangerscott 07-23-2009 11:13 PM

Going on dates. I'm scared shitless of women. I need to go change myself.

askmrjesus 07-23-2009 11:17 PM

Do ex-wives count?


Homeslice 07-24-2009 01:01 AM

Just part of the "internet big dick syndrome"

Dave 07-24-2009 01:22 AM

id have done more humping.

Amber Lamps 07-24-2009 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 246339)
Do ex-wives count?


Amen to that! I mean I could regret getting married because she cheated on me but what about all the good times we had together and all of the love that we shared? We traveled all over Europe together... I don't regret that. It's hard to explain how I feel about this subject. You can regret knocking up your bitch of an ex-girlfriend but do you regret having the daughter that you love?:idk: The thing is you can make exactly the same decision (like my getting married) and if it had turned out differently, I wouldn't have any cause to regret, right? If I changed even one thing 20 years ago, nothing that is good in my life right now would be here, hell I might not still be here. It's a tough question... and it has nothing to do with my "E-dick", I just like to be honest.:idk:

Adeptus_Minor 07-24-2009 03:46 AM

I regret the things I've done which have unintentionally hurt others.
Things that if I'd had a little more foresight or perhaps more insight into my own motivations, I could have prevented.
I also regret not following my heart and taking more chances when it comes to women.
I spent too much time chasing the ones who were never going to like me like I liked them, and never noticed (or thought I had reason to take a chance on) some that might have been better for me.

I suppose, given the fact that I'm not unhappy with my life as it's turned out, I ought not have a lot of the regrets that I do. It's just my way.

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”

--Alexander Graham Bell

CrazyKell 07-24-2009 09:31 AM

Regrets.....I've had a few. :whistle:

smileyman 07-24-2009 09:42 AM

I regret I cant post more....

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