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Old 12-26-2008, 09:25 PM   #2466
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Try giving her index cards with one word or a very short phrase that connects to the concepts she has to learn.

For example:

Greet the person on the line. Sure it's simple, but it get's the brain primed to go through the process with a basic concept.

Why are the people calling. Gets her ready to ask the questions she needs to know.

Where is the incident taking place?

What time

Etc etc etc. I don't know the whole process you're going through, but I imagine who what where when and why all apply in some form and give her a basis to build from. Also, get various colored highlighters and color code the process, and then give her a cheat sheet with the just the colors in the order you need them done. That may help her work around some of the problems and connect certain ideas to the colors. She'll have to associate the colors to the concepts, and once she does, she may be able to maintain under pressure if she has that color chart somewhere on her desk where she can see it while she works. It'll help reinforce what she learns and give her something to fall back on if she freezes up.
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