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Old 03-11-2008, 02:54 AM   #6
Pompous Prick
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Originally Posted by Ebbs15 View Post
looks good slut... come to CO next year... you can build me a garage and I'll show you some sweet ass roads (I'll be finding them while your building said garage)
I feel like this is not the best deal.
Originally Posted by marko138 View Post
I've got that same Black and Decker door lock installer. Works really nice.
Yeah, considering it's just a plastic jig, I was pleased with how well it worked.

So I didn't get quite as much done today as I originally planned/wanted, but that's alright. I woke up late (needed the rest), had to ship some things, wanted to ride, and needed to organize the place quite a bit.

I finished drilling all the holes and installing all the bolts for the big doors. They open smoothly, and work great. They are all ready to be sealed up and all latches and such installed, all of which I have a plan for and have all the parts. I'll do that next time.

Also, I realized I never posted pics of the outside concrete work. To fix all of the potential drainage problems due to the asphalt sloping toward the building, everything was re-done with concrete. This is also the reason for the low ceiling height, the floor in the garage needed to be at the asphalt level plus a little bit. You can see here all of the concrete built up against the building to encourage runoff. So far from what I've seen it all works great.

Then, I decided no matter what, I needed to ride. Went out for about two hours, hit some twisties, got the feel back, etc. It felt fucking great. About to head out:

When I returned, instead of worrying about little trim work, painting and insulating the door frames, etc (all which would require a Depot trip), I decided to clean up and get organized. Also, this is due to the trash guy coming tomorrow... needed to get rid of some scrap. There was a TON of old and scrap wood. I cut it all into pieces to fit into barrels (the only way they'll take it). It filled up six trash barrels!

Also, cleaned up garage. Some of the clutter were the makeshift 'tables' I had been using for work, which ended up in the pics above. Also, organized all the tools and swept up. That's a shitload of sawdust!

Lots of space in there now that a lot of the shit is out. It's going to be so sweet when I'm done. Bike looks great in there, too The tire tracks are from me test-fitting our jeep in there... if we needed it to fit, it does, barely. Wouldn't be worth it for everyday storage though.

Gotta love the 'reverse chicken strips' due to the shitty weather... most of the tire all smoothed out from normal use, the edges ripped up from track use (tire temperature as well as harder accel at lean causes the shredding...)

Basically, everything is ready to go. Next time I go out, I will finish all the door insulation, weatherstripping, caulking, and painting. Then, I'll hang the last few small bits of drywall by the doors, and pull the bike and everything except for drywall stuff out of the garage. That should all take one day. Then, the next day the mudding and sanding will start. After that, it will just be painting, building shelves, and building a workbench. I've also got a few little finishing touches/surprises up my sleeve

Last edited by ceo012384; 03-11-2008 at 02:58 AM..
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