Thread: Helmet Corner
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Old 03-14-2008, 03:21 AM   #1
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
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Originally Posted by Phenix_Rider View Post
4 seconds? Please- it took a fill minute at least to go to 60% or 80% tint whatever they're claiming. And who knows how long the camera was off before they went back to clear... If you're riding in and out of shadow it doesn't do any good. If you ride into the sun you're still blind tilll it finishes. I can get in my zippered tailbag and pull out a visor and swap it in about 2 minutes. A minute isn't worth that much money and plugging in my helmet every night.

This is my point. My Shoei RF-1000 is perfect. And it cost $200 less. And I know Shoei isn't going anywhere.

I am definitely not an early adopter. I'd rather you spend your hard earned money to be the guinea pig. Let us know how it goes. If it holds up for six months/ a year and the price comes down so it's reasonable, then I'll think about it.
Alright you win!!! My last question did you get a Shoei RF1000 for $100? I'm getting two of their helmets with;clear shields,tinted shields AND photochromatic shields-shipped for under $600. Oh and I wasn't clear,we're talking about two different things. The photo shield changes in a few seconds and the T.O.D. shield takes longer but it wasn't designed for you to change it off and on as you ride down the road. Who said it was? You leave it on when it's sunny and you turn it off when it's dark. Who the fuck is trying to change their helmet shields everytime there's a shadow on the road or you go thru a tunnel? If you forget to charge your helmet then you put the tinted shield on just like you do now. Oh well anyway,I'll enjoy mine! Thanks for the debate tho'!
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