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Old 03-14-2009, 06:41 PM   #6
formerly known as tdah
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: SF Bay Area, CA
Moto: 06 R1, 01 600R
Posts: 110

i'm suprised by some of the responses here.

jeans are sufficient only if you enjoy the excruciating pain of having hundreds of tiny pieces of them scrubbed out of raw flesh in the ER. if you're lucky, you'll be unconscious. if you're not, the 4mg of morphine you'll get will do little to make you happy with your decision to not protect your legs.

Timberlands (or any other similar boot) are sufficient only if you don't mind having your ankle shattered. yes, the leather will protect from most of the rash, but as you tumble down the pavement for 4 seconds, remember you'll be limping for months (if not permanently).

mesh jackets are the absolute bare minimum - i don't recommend them, and haven't worn one in several years. even in summertime in Miami, i rode in ventilated leather. i would trust myself in modern moto-specific textiles, as they are made pretty well.

we all know someone who'll say "i crashed in jeans and sneakers and i was fine!" no, you were an idiot who got lucky. next time you might not be. it's so not worth the risk.

story of a friend of mine on another forum i help admin:

*grab a drink, this is a long one

It was September 8th, 2000 and I was leaving the house that afternoon for work. It was a cloudy day with slight rain showers in the forcast. I left my house and took the route I always do, living in the sticks as I do, there is only one road that leads you to the main highway. This road is littered with blind hills, sharp curves, no shoulders, no painted lines and an unbelievablely high 55 mph speed limit but changes to 45 as you get closer to the main stetch in town and then down to 30. I was barely 1.5 miles from my home, I'm not certain exactly how fast I was going but I had just left a stop sign and made a left onto the road as I reached an incline. As I travelled up the hill, seemingly in the blink of an eye, I saw a full size, blue pick up truck heading right towards me on my side of the road. I leaned hard right and got to the edge of the road as fast as I could without heading off into some trees but I don't recall hitting the brakes (keep in mind this happened literally within seconds but it was a flash to me) the truck just kept coming. I couldn't see who was driving and I know I was fixating on the truck. *dumb* It impacted the left side of my bike, shoulder and leg with it's left side. I was later told I hit the truck's door and box area. I was thrown like I was hit by a linebacker (only bigger) getting me out of bounds. I went even further right and over my handlebars head first. I remember every split second of this: I saw grass as I flew face down and head first (think Superman but not as graceful) I hit the ground head first on the right side of my head. I immediately pulled my arms in as I went tumbling, like a kid rolling down a hill like a log, and I saw grass, sky, grass, sky, grass, sky quite a few times until I stopped tumbling. At this point I'm on my back like I'm laying on the ground getting a sun tan or something. Somehow, my head is towards the road and my feet are facing a field.

*side note:* The whole road is farm fields and homes, lined with thick brush, trees and/or barbed wire. My accident happened on the ONLY 50 yards of wide open field for miles! Nothing to hit but the ground itself, *whew*

I sat up, dizzy, dazed and confused as only those in an accident like this can comprehend. I looked at my feet. My sneakers were gone (should've had boots!) having flung off in the tumble. My left foot was bleeding a bit. My jeans were torn here and there but I later learned most of the tears occurred as my bones were poking out in the tumble shreading and cutting as I rolled. I didn't see my left foot... it's was kinda behind me only my left leg was ahead of me (!) I grabbed my pant leg and pulled my foot in front where it belonged (remember, dazed and confused at this point) only to find it wouldn't point up, it just flopped over. I tired to slightly lift my leg but only part of it moved, the rest stayed laying on the ground. Immediate and audible, "Aw SH*T!" No pain really, just tingles and shaking. I looked over at my bike which was to my right behind my shoulder quite a ways away. It was on it's right side, the left sticking up, all I saw was some steam and broken plastics though my backpack and books were still stuffed under the cargo net on the passenger part of the seat. Another "Aw SH*T" was spoken out loud.<br>I checked my arms, hands and right leg. Sorta numb and buzzing feeling and my left shoulder didn't move too well but nothing else apperas broken. I removed my heavily scuffed up gloves to find my hands as fine as when I had slipped into them a few mintues before. I took off my now dirty and grass clipping covered glasses and my helmet. I noticed the visor was missing off of it and it was cracked and scratched up. Being kinda pissed at this point I threw it in anger. It was a only 8 days before I was planning to get married, a nice outdoor reception at our house which we had been working towards for weeks if not months. Immediately after throwing my helmet I hear screaming, "Don't move! Don't move! Don't get up!!" Knowing there was no way I was getting up I stayed there while trying to look behind me at who's yelling. I see a lady running towards me FAST and barefoot. Must be the person who hit me I think to myself. she comes over and starts asking the normal stuff, "Are you OK?" Not really. "Do you know where you are?" Up shit creek I reply. "Do you know WHO you are?" Yep. She tells me she heard the noise and the crash and came running out. I ask her if she was driving the blue truck that hit me (still confused) she tells me she lives right across the road with her husband and their both volunteer EMTs and to stay still. I ask where the truck is. She didn't know. No skids marks and no truck. Just me laying in a bloody heap in a field. She told me her husband was calling 911 and was coming over. After some time there was a heap of local volunteers hanging over me cutting off my clothes. I had to beg them to take off my leather coat (not cut it off). It did it's job and I didn't want it all cut up. After some begging, they helped me get it off. It seemed like everyone looked white as ghosts. I tried to make a few jokes about having on clean underwear - as that's all I was wearing it this point, but no one smiled. I asked how bad it was and everyone looked at what seemed to be the head guy in charge and he just said, "Not good." I was bleeding badly and losing blood fast. The ambulance showed up as did the girl that hit me. She hopped out and was screaming asking if I was dead. I heard one guy tell her to get back and just then the local sheriff showed up. They loaded me into the ambulance and I was off to the hospital. It took awhile (seemed forever) to get into surgury. By that point it was late on a Friday night and they were waiting for the doctor to show up. I was in tons of pain by then and bitting down on my own teeth so I wouldn't scream out loud. I had to pee something terrible and I asked for something to pee into. Next thing you know this dude comes over with a tube and a bag. "Oh SH*T!" Yep, insertion time. Owww. But I was able to relieve my over bloated bladder at this point. Ahhhhhh. Off to x-rays. They took tons. I remember being terribly thirsty and practically pleading for some water. Nope. I asked everyone I saw, finally someone came in and gave me some water through a straw and told me not to tell. No problem, THANKS!

The doctor (MY HERO) showed up. Introduced himself and the anesthesiologist (however it's spelled) to me, I was like, "Yeah, fine. Hi how are ya, whatever, just knock me out now it hurts!" Off I went and woke up what seemed like seconds later in the ICU ward with my body in this jungle gym of ropes, pullies and metal tubes. It was about 3AM and my doctor, in his 60s was standing over me. I asked him if I'd make it to my wedding. When is it, he asks. September 16th I reply. What year has asks. Are your serious??, I ask. He was. It was bad and he went on to tell me all about it. I would be in the hospital for months possibly longer (got out in 2 months) and that I may never walk again, (I can walk now). Final tally, left leg: multiple compound fractures of the femur AND the tibia and fibula. Right leg, broken knee cap. Left arm/hand, tons of nerve damage leaving it next to useless for weeks. Still lingering effects to this day. Right arm/hand, just fine.

I went through pain, agony, nightmares, tube feedings through my neck (long story there), and other awful things like nurses toileting me in my bed, etc for weeks while I was in ICU. I moved onto the "step down" unit 2 weeks later which was more of the same but without the immediate care they offer in ICU. Two weeks after that I was onto the rehab floor and had a huge room all to myself that resembled a small hotel room. this wouldbe my home for another 5 weeks or so. I had to learn to walk again after getting out of a wheelchair, shower myself and use a toilet all alone (relief!) all over again. I also worked with someone to retrain my messed up left arm, the very one I use to write with too, bummer. Once home I was still on home therapy with people coming to my home to care for me and help me do exercises and stuff. From there I started going to the hospital on my own to do my treatments there. I lost my job as I couldn't return to it in my condition. Got married three months later to the day of the original one and it was wonderful.

Found out the girl who commited the hit and run didn't get anything, no ticket, no nothing..... she knew the bastard local cop who let her go. His response to my wife who asked how he could do such a thing, "She was shook up. She didn't mean to leave, she was just scared badly so I let her off." I found out that my bleeding was so bad that had those two people not come out of thier house when they did, I'd have bled to death in the field within 10-15 minutes. The girl showed back up about 20 minutes later. I thank God everyay those people were home and were EMTs who knew what to do. I'm left with a paralized left foot and big brace on my leg. About a dozen screws and some plates holding my bones together on the left leg. Two screws in right patella. Definately will need two knee replacements down the road. That brings me to here. I'm back in school working on getting a job that I like (I was getting burned out at my old job). My injuries allowed me some much needed time to spend all day everyday with my daughter here at home. I also got to do this website, which keeps me busy and has allowed me to stay involved in a sport I love as well as given me incentive to get on a bike again.
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