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Old 03-23-2009, 05:12 PM   #52
Trailer Queen
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 18
Default A differing view

First, let me compliment Moira on the great job she is doing by being involved in "The Process" of local government. Due in part to her enthusiasm and commitment to this bill, there seems to be a lot of support on this forum (and others) for this bill to pass.

I've read that there is some limited opposition from other sport bike communities and extreme opposition from the "hard core biker community". I have not read what exactly their opposition is but I can presume that it's along the same lines as mine.

So, with all due respect to the supporters of this bill, can I get some comments on why this lane splitting bill, in it's current form, is so necessary? What is it so important about lane splitting that gets people fired up and passionate about much so they are willing to give up a personal freedom to see it passed?

You can probably see where I'm going with this and I do so because I have not seen the issue debated in an open forum such as this before. If it has, please send me a link to that discussion.

Now, let me preface my position by giving some background on myself to those I don't know. I received my drivers license in 1972 in Southern California. Some will say that makes me an old fart (true) and a California liberal (false). I learned to ride in the crowded LA freeways where lane splitting was legal, winding roads were plentiful, the climate was arid and off-road riding was legal for as far as the eyes could see. Lane splitting was a way of life and something motorcyclist took for granted. It wasn't until many years later when I moved from the Valley (yea, yea I was a surfin valley boy back in the day too) that I got the sweet taste of a citation for going to the head of the line at a traffic light. So much for how the rest of the country treated motorcyclists.

Additionally, I'm a motorcycle racer and (former) fast street rider who wears a helmet and encourages/recommends that others do so at all times. A helmet has saved my life more times than I can to count so I can not/will not debate the merits of wearing one. If you choose to wear one then great! If you choose not to wear one, for whatever reason, then that's OK with me too, it's the option you choose to take. Occasionally but not often, I choose to go sans helmet. My wife doesn't like it, my parents don't like it and I'm ridiculed and called a squid by my peers and other racers when I do so. I know the risks and I'm willing to accept them.

So, as you can see, I support splitting traffic in it's basic a convenience and advantage to riding a motorcycle on the street. Not being allowed to split traffic lanes does not hinder or improve on my enjoyment of riding my motorcycle on the street. I also support wearing a helmet, that is not the question.

I'm just curious as to what is the prime motivation for those who have taken up this cause. The energy and resources to fight this battle can be significant so there must be a good reason.


Last edited by MNellis; 03-23-2009 at 06:02 PM..
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