Thread: Changing Tires?
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Old 08-21-2009, 12:38 PM   #36
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
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Originally Posted by tommymac View Post
What didnt you like about them? Derf and I were talking to the tire guy at that shop by TWO when we were at the rally and he was saying guys seemed happy with them, but hasnt realy herd a lot yet to say theyre the be all end all.

Disclaimer; I am not stating this to cause an argument about the benefits and/or problems with Dynabeads.

Well, first they couldn't be loaded into my bike thru the valves because I have the right angle type. So we waited until I was putting on new tires to use them. Now, I fully admit that this was probably a procedure problem on my part but it was a bit of a hassle. Then, my dumb ass and the dealer's dumb ass (he sold them to me) didn't put in enough at the rear, so my bike never lost it's imbalance. So I had to crack the bead again and put more in. Not the end of the world but a pain.

After that, yes my tires did self balance but only after a mile or so. Now that's not a big deal but I couldn't not notice it. Obviously, my riding style is a factor in this, but it always felt "funny" after hard braking/hard acceleration. I totally admit that it may have all been in my head. I also admit that I am a overly sensitive "feel" type rider who adjusts his tire pressure if it's off by over a pound! I just never liked the way it "felt".

Now my other problem seemed to be recovering the beads to re-use them in the next tire. First off, I kind of forgot about them and ended up with about half of them on the ground. If you've never seen these buggers... they're quite small and go everywhere when they are dropped! I'm sure that there is a great way to remove your tires and retain these damn things but I don't know it! Anyway, I paid $40 for a leveler and $10 for 30 6'' lead strips which should last... oh about 20+ sets of tires. I just paint the lead strips white and forget about it!

I think that Dynabeads are great for certain types of bikes/riders but I also think that there's a reason why race teams don't use them and why after over a decade on the market, they are not the preferred method of tire balancing. Heck, I just read their website and it totally makes me want to try them again!!! There is nothing better than the feel of a perfectly balanced, new tire tire IMHO!!!

Oh here's their website FYI for anyone interested. Despite my "negative" opinion of them, I encourage anyone on the fence to try them. I've heard so many people rant and rave about these things that I'm almost certain that I'll try them again at some point just to be sure that my bad experience wasn't a fluke.
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