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Old 10-05-2009, 05:11 PM   #29
Semi-reformed Squid
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 531

I don't understand why it would have Imax=15A (presumably per side, so 30A total?) on the case sticker then.

I have been considering a set of the H4 hi/low for my VFR for a while now, so I went ahead & called DDM and talked with one of their tech guys. He said that he didn't know the actual max. current draw, but did state that though direct battery connection was best, it wasn't necessary & many customers have powered theirs directly from the headlight circuit with no problems (doesn't mean that some haven't had problems, however). He also said that a time delay wasn't necessary, though it couldn't hurt to reduce the cycling, as long as you didn't turn them on/off repeatedly in a short time. Seems like my info/assumptions are old and/or pertains to retrofitting OE Phillips ballasts (I looked into that about 3 years ago). My speculation is that the DDM units 'choke' the inrush current to eliminate/minimize the resulting problems? I think I may go ahead with a H4 hi/low kit (which includes a battery harness/relay), and I'll probably still install a timer, just 'cus that's what seems 'right' & best to me.

Last edited by Kerry_129; 10-05-2009 at 05:13 PM..
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