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Old 12-05-2009, 12:53 PM   #58
Aspiring Rapper
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Originally Posted by OreoGaborio View Post
Hey, T. I know your post wasn't directed to me, but I'd still like to address the point that you're making if I may

I agree that what you learn/practice in MSF, for the most part, is not a SPECIAL skill set that you couldn't otherwise learn on your own. I think that's KIND of what you're founding your case on but in different words, but correct me if I'm wrong.

My "counter points" to that were:

Street survival is 90% MENTAL... only 10% skill.

I also believe that new riders that are MSF graduates are LESS likely to get in an accident than new riders that are non MSF graduates with similar riding experience.

And I also have a hunch (and I have no data to back it up) that MSF RiderCoaches are POSSIBLY less likely to get in an accident than non MSF RiderCoaches with similar riding experience. I'm not necessarily saying without a doubt that RiderCoaches deserve a discount, but it'd certainly be nice! and I don't know if I agree with you that it wouldn't be deserved if we did as we're doing what we can to make the roads safer for everyone.

I also think that the insurance discount is not solely a statement by the insurance companies saying that they think MSF grads are safer, but also an incentive to take the class. Those first time riders that take the class are, without a doubt, better off than learning from a friend or on their own.

If you don't think that justifies an insurance discount, well then so be it... I stated my case. I hold no grudges and I think this is a good discussion
I hold no grudges either. It's obviously all opinion.
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