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Old 12-29-2009, 12:00 AM   #27
AMA Supersport
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Originally Posted by 101lifts2 View Post
No he isn't....he just doesn't want to pay for everyone else's shit if he doesn't have included.

All of you fail to see how this is actually going to "help the economy" and not drive us in more debt. People who use the internet already have the internet. The people who don't are:
1. Too old to know how to use a computer
2. Too poor to own a PC.

Do you think just because you allow free internet more sales are going to be generated? Doubt it. What will happen is buisness will simply shift from one going to a store to now going to purchase something online. You haven't increased any jobs base so there is no more money in people's pocket. You probably did the opposite.
I missed the section that said it was free internet.

"Bust a nut inside your eye, to show you where I come from"
"f youre horny, lets do it, Ride it, my pony, My saddles waitin, Come and jump on it, If youre horny, lets do it"
"I'm not a playa I just fuck a lot"
"Round two, I'm down to Do, what it takes to make you
Understand I'm the Candyman And I melt in your mouth, not in your hands Hard as rock, yes I'm no sucka The boots I knock make me one bad mutha"
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