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Old 01-19-2010, 12:28 PM   #44
Semi-reformed Squid
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 531

Originally Posted by was92v View Post
If I am just cruising a long straight road, I wander mentally a little, but I try to avoid those type roads. I keep busy in there analyzing my riding and the ride itself which pushes the rest away. When I am pushing hard on the street or track I yell at myself fairly often when I make a mistake. It helps me that to refocus myself on the job at hand.
I have never listened to music when I ride, but I think when I'm sporting it would be a distraction.
Ditto that, wade.

When I'm doing the boring stuff, I'll wander around upstairs & make plans, (over)analyze stuff, sing goofy shit, etc. But on a couple of occasions that has caught me 'out' slightly - not enough to be truly 'oh shit' moments, but enough to really impress on me that when I'm in la-la land is when I'm most likely to get my ticket punched. So mostly I try to just sing/hum goofy shit & enjoy the music going on below (easy on the VFR!), but mostly focus on the sheer no-words-needed sweetness of the ride (and staying alive for many, many more!).
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