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Old 05-20-2010, 10:46 AM   #10
WERA Yellow Plate
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Calgary
Moto: Gs500F
Posts: 683

The reserves here in Alberta tend to be RICH, but there is huge poverty none-the-less. The Hobbema reserve is in the middle of some of the most oil rich land in the province, and they, unlike the average land owner, own the oil rights. At the age of 18 each band member gets a HUGE payout ( over 100K). Despite all this oil money the reserve looks like a 3rd world city. burned out houses, graffiti everywhere, and huge problems with alcohol, drugs and gangs. I worked at a school there ( making much less than a regular provincial teacher) for one year and that was all I could take. If someone makes something of themselves, they are ostracized by their community as a sell out. Education is not valued. I don't have a clue why either. When someone goes out, gets an education, and then comes back to teach their own people, they are treated like dirt!

But that is just my experience in one place. In no way do I mean all First Nations people are like that. My cousins are Meti and they are great people with a work ethic and intelligence anyone could envy.
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