Thread: Be careful
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Old 04-29-2008, 01:16 PM   #19
cookie head
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Originally Posted by Rae View Post
I must admit, I am an aggressive driver. I suffer from internal road rage and occasionally I want to hurt stupid people on the road. Ask anyone who has ever heard me while in my car, youd think I was in the Navy.

I am the driver that speeds everywhere, not because Im in a hurry, simply because I do. I have to check myself every so often to make sure Im not breaking the law too severely.

I do sometimes tailgate, not intentionally, merely thoughtlessly, but once I realize it I back off.

I dont brake check because I understand that sometimes you may not even realize it, and everyones definition of tailgating is different.

I dont cut people off, I dont curse and scream at you, and I dont flip people off. Even when I am in the right. I have been chased before, for flipping off a stupid bitch who literally ran me into a ditch, and I had to call the police to come chase her down and arrest her.

I am the driver that will let you in, that will wave at someone who lets me in, that will let you over if you turn on your signal, or will wait and let you go because its the polite thing to do.

Nothing irritates me more than someone not acknowledging a kind act, who doesnt feel the need to wave thanks at a polite road gesture. Road courtesy is a dying thing.

Along those same lines, are those idiots who go the speed limit or below in the left lane. Yes I know I am breaking the law by speeding, but you are breaking the law by blocking the left lane which is reserved for "passing" traffic. (I know people who have actually been pulled over for doing this btw).

And oh yeah, I will put up with you being rude for awhile, but once you finally irritate me, I am the one who will go out of my way to make your life difficult. I will use other cars to block you, or make sure I anticipate your next move to cut me off and make sure I am there in a totally legal, law abiding of those "good citizens" who follows the certain circumstances...
I can commiserate I am a very impatient driver and I am addicted to going fast even in boring vehicles like my pickup or my moms mini van. I think that I resemble this cat alot of the time.
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