I have been feeling a little light in guns lately as well. i'm thinking of either a ruger .40 cal or finally breaking down and getting a Kimber .45. not sure if it will happen yet this year though.
i have a sigma 9mm and a Taurus .357 as well as various rifles, shotguns, and a couple muzzle loaders.
right now my favorite piece is in the backyard. i started building my own little shooting range. not great for range but awesome for handguns. nice sized back stop built out of old barn beams covered up with soil. 6 feet deep 6 feet high and 12 feet wide. hoping to clear the range and then lay down mulch over it for at least a solid 25 yards. we shoot out here all the time but I feel much better about it if I know there is a solid stop. behind my land is just corn field and then woods.