Thread: Gixxers rule.
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:41 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by TIGGER View Post
You probably CAN'T stunt worth a fuck or are too big of a coward to try and I really,really doubt you can dunk. So you sit back and criticise those that can and/or do. I guess a guy like Michael Jordan who won several dunk contests wasn't a "real player" in your book?
Epic fail at comprehension.

Michael Jordan doing the occasional dunk contest and dunking during a game is NOT RELATED TO someone who focuses only on dunking, amusing dribbling or other crowd-pleasing moves which are NOT BENEFICIAL TO YOUR BASKETBALL PLAYING.
The occasional power wheelie is mildly amusing for me, stoppies I've done on accident once or twice but all that other bullshit expanding an area of riding that didn't need expanding is gay.
If I sucked really hard and lost interest in taking corners and long trips then I could maybe see getting bored and wanting to hang out in a parking lot all day, fucking up my bike and my body for shits and giggles. I will NEVER lose interest in those two things so I won't.

Motorcycling is a big interest group encompassing many different areas of specialty but it is not big enough for gearless faggots who rarely have licenses or insurance to do stupid shit in traffic to piss off the entire non-motorcycling public. That's a stereotype but you can't deny it's uncannily accurate.
Yes canyon carvers have accidents too but find the crash or dui rates of your average stunter versus canyon carver and I'll prove that stereotype even more true. I have never met a stunter I would want to hang out with, ride with or trust with anything of value to me. They are generally the bottom of the sportbiking barrel and have correspondingly short lives.

If you're into stunting you should also be into ice skating. All form, no function, lots of homosexuals.
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