Thread: Bin laden dead
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Old 05-03-2011, 10:51 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by Trip View Post

Technically, some bombs can, but you have to be willing to accept the consequences of that action. We are not a country that will do that anymore though.
I disagree. We take people out with traditional bombs as well as drones all the time. The difference here is the government wanted a body for DNA testing, pictures, and the ability to remove it. A bomb or drone obviously makes a hell of a mess and can make identifying those killed difficult to impossible. Our relationship with Pakistan most likely wouldn't allow our people to be on the ground for hours/days searching for body parts either.

People are skeptical about Bin Laden being dead already. How much more skepticism would there be if no body existed and no DNA testing had been done? If this strike were carried out with a bomb or drone there is a pretty good chance the government would be limited to thinking they may have gotten him. Removing that uncertainty made the risk of sending in the SEALs and helicopter pilots worth it to the administration.
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