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Old 05-04-2012, 01:00 PM   #1
token jewboy
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Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho View Post
Yeah, the problem is that many times a concussion goes unnoticed... The simplest way I've ever heard to help the situation was to have three key words provided at the beginning of every game - "lunchbox, road, orange"... After a big hit, they are asked to repeat the key words... if they can't, there's a problem...
The problem isn't the concussions so much as mild traumatic brain injury, a very mild version of a concussion, many times you may just get a single dizzy moment or a quick sensation of disorientation that doesn't last and poof its gone, get a few of those in a game and a few games over course of a season and the long term effects are massive.

The military has been targeting soldiers who were in the vicinity of explosions, early on they would only look at those directly affected by a blast, but the more they looked they moved it out to anyone within 50 meters, and now they are looking at those who were within 150 meters because there is a huge trend emerging with folks who have had multiple small brain injuries and they add up if untreated and it gets real bad over the course of a few years.

Originally Posted by defector View Post
They are definitely checking the kids out on the sidelines after big hits (in our area). I just haven't decided if it is actually looking out for the well being of the kids, or just an attempt at avoiding potential lawsuits.

I'm curious if there will be a large movement of athletes changing sports (away from football) on an amateur level now.

I see the same thing, but then I hear my neighbor tell his kid who plays football not to let anyone know that he got hit hard because they might take him out of the game. I think that even though the trend is starting, there is going to be a decent amount of time between now and when it actually gets accepted universally. I believe that pro football will be pretty quick to follow, mostly because of the money, contracts and media but for high school and college still trying to get to the next level not so fast.
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