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Old 06-22-2012, 12:00 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by KSGregman View Post
Building a strong and healthy body is not nearly as complicated or difficult as Americans make it out to be....too many of them are just lazy and impatient....too lazy to get up and exercise consistently and efficiently...too lazy to learn how to wean themselves off the shit we call "food" in this country and move to a healthy nutritional plan....and too impatient to stick with a plan that can change their lives for the better.

I'm not a fan of putting alot of "me" on the internet...but...I'm living proof that it can be nearly ANY age. I'm 44 and RIPPED....I'm in the best shape, physically and mentally, of my life. 6-1....174 pounds....8% body fat. I'm lean....and STRONG...physically...and cardiovascularly. It started as "I want to get back into shape....." and then morphed into my obsession....building the best "me" that I possibly can through good nutrition and wicked hard work 6 days a week. I think about at it....improve upon it....EVERY's a journey....never a destination.

It can be done...all it takes is a WILLINGNESS to commit....a REAL commitment...not a fad or a "diet"...but a commitment to REAL change....some education....dedication...and time. I know what worked for me....and I'm willing to share the knowledge if anyone is interested.....via PM.
That's awesome.

When did you decide to "get back in shape?" (how many years ago?)

How far had you fallen off the in shape wagon? (Before stats or years as a lazy-ass.)
Racing For Smiles
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