Thread: 10 used Lemons
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Old 10-20-2012, 03:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Adeptus_Minor View Post
True, but then you run the risk of looking like the guy who wants to rock the prestige car but can't really afford it, so he buys the old one. If you ask him, he says "Yeah, I drive a Lexus" (but artfully avoids mentioning that it's a 2003 that had 70k on it when he bought it)
There's a certain level of sense to it. I mean, if it's about getting a still-nice car at a bargain, then cool. But I think a lot of people do it just for the image and don't realize it makes the opposite impression of what they intend.
Of course, that could be because I see a lot of people who seem to be doing that in my part of town.
Either that, or they're just confident with their ability to fix & maintain used cars.

Or, it was a hand-me-down from their rich parents.

Or, it's an older person who simply keeps their cars for 10 years or more.

Either way, it helps the rest of us, because it keeps small businesses (shops) afloat, and it helps the environment by not needing to manufacture another new car, with all the pollution it causes to make all that plastic, steel, rubber and paint.

Last edited by Homeslice; 10-20-2012 at 07:50 PM..
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