Thread: Road rage
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Old 10-23-2012, 10:52 AM   #3
Moto GP Star
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Originally Posted by CasterTroy View Post
You did good Tommy!

This is where I'd love to post some story where I'm a hero and evoked revenge on a rager....but usually when I'm the victim of a rager it's inadvertent and I can't claim any kind of victory Plus...I'm the kinda person that seems to ALWAYS come up with the BEST comebacks AFTER the fact

Most of the time in MY case it's some dumbass just gets pissed at something I did that they didn't get the chance to do. Like merge from a stopped slow lane to the passing lane that's creeping at 2mph in a gap that HE wanted (me being behind them and taking advantage of the hole first)

Or being able to zipper merge in front of the car "in FRONT of" the guy eating his own face from impatience in the lane that's backed up for 5 miles. Then being "chased" by them after the congestion long enough for him to show me his finger and rage face.

It doesn't benefit me to egg anyone on or show any form of aggression. I'm always armed....and if you read derf's contribution on being armed you know you HAVE to walk away and not be the aggressor JIC you ever HAVE to use your weapon.

My biggest problem is the vehicles I drive Granted...I have nothing special. I may have a few cars in the driveway, but all totaled up their value doesn't exceed the cost of 1 brand new SUV. But it's the make/model that seem to extract all kinds of attention from ego-driven douschenozzles from all around.

1. F350 diesel: For some reason, every OTHER redneck in the county that subscribes to the coalrollers of america (read: they've programmed their computer or turned the fuel up on their cummins to billow black smoke) believes that I in fact am breaching their territory by driving on the roads they travel. And inherently attempt to pull a scene from The Duel to intimidate me into racing them or get out of their turf.

2. GTI: Dear GOD every honda civic that's been slammed with shitty camber and a folgers exhaust feel the need to "rev" or buzz this car like it's a wasp invading a hornets nest. This car only has mild mods to it. Intake, exhaust, and suspension. It's a $3000 car with 200 hp that gets GREAT gas mileage. I commute in it...sheesh.

3. Z4: Now granted it's the newest and nicest thing we have but still...we got it used, from a friend and paid less than you can get a mid-level Kia for. It's not something I worship, rub with a baby diaper or CLAIM is any better than anyone elses's just a decent ride. Plus...I only get to drive it when my wife's outta town and doesn't know I have it But I get the same kids that the GTI attracts PLUS the rustangs, camaro's and kids driving their parents corvettes. C'mon really? And it's non-stop. Every SINGLE time I drive it.

It's easier for my blood pressure for me to just drive the exploder to work and NOT have to go home in a cross hatch pattern like Tommy did driving the other cars
its always after the fact you come up with soemthing good. I prefer trying to blend inot the crowd, my GT is nothing flashy but does have the big topcase that makes it recognizable. Well that and I am always riding it. I dont need soem asshole mesing with it or trying to take me out. Thats why I try to not mess with anyone going to the ER. Plenty of low life skells that wont care and will mess up your property just becasue.

I am now considering a way to have some sort of weapon on the bike thats readily available in case of this situation. Gun laws here are prety tough so theres no way I would qualify for a concealed carry permit. I know in most cases I can out run a car, but if its not safe or I do get boxed in and I have to stop then its a different story. I know in my case had this led to an altercation I would have been in the right since this douchebag did follow me and did try to cut me off/take me out so I could honestly say at one point I did fear for my life. had there been longer/more unpaved road its hard to say if I would have kept going or stoped and confronted him, preferably in an area with a lot of people/witnesses.
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