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Old 11-16-2012, 09:34 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by CasterTroy View Post
Just make sure no one at the party asks her out while you're there with her
Ever been punched with a chainmail gauntlet? Tends to discourage further incursions.

My roommate told me about a friend of his who was doing Ren Fair. He left the grounds to hit Ye Olde ATM at a convenience store some miles away. He was wearing a chainmail shirt underneath a silk overshirt and chainmail gauntlets at the time.
A guy came up to him at the ATM and tried to hold him up with a knife.
The exchange went something like this:

Mugger: Give me the money!
Sir Knight:

The mugger takes a swipe Sir Knight's torso, slashing his fine overshirt and sliding harmlessly off his chainmail
This angered Sir Knight and he proceeded to backhand the offending ruffian with his chainmail gauntlet clad hand. Broke the muggers jaw

Moral of the story: Do not fuck with a man in tights (particularly if he's also wearing 6-in-1 steel chainmail armor)
“Well, obviously before; after was all gendarmes and dick stitches.”
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