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Old 03-30-2013, 11:21 AM   #2
moderator chick

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Originally Posted by shmike View Post
Damn, I thought Zoomie had come back.

I'd like to hear her input on the Schwantz debacle.

I'm not going to go this year either way but I'm really disappointed to see the track turn into such a douchefest.
Kevin is more than a local hero, Kevin helped them build that track, secure funding for the track and brought them MotoGP. For them to treat him this way has left a lot of people speechless. Now, a lot of the legends aren't coming because of how they have treated KS. It's all really unfortunate.

On the other local side, a bunch of us locals have started a wave of support. It's the official fan club support for Kevin. He can't "officially" do anything, but he can laugh at what his fan-club does. "those crazy fan's" filling the race with number 34 is the best way to support him. I mean, we can't ask that people boycott the race after they have individually already spent the money. But, to wear anything #34 is the way to go.

I love the man. And, the fact that he doesn't want the proceeds - he wants all money to go toward SIC's foundation. Which, it will.
We have enough youth. How about a fountain of "smart"?

Come Play at the Track!!
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