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Old 08-31-2013, 10:18 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Trip View Post
They won't ever say they do, they would get reemed by the public if they did, so they just say they don't have one but really have one to meet their performance/budget goals.
My thing is I don't know why people get upset. Quota or no quota. If they catch someone speeding its the speeders fault not a quota.

This was a big topic of conversation at a BBQ I was at a month ago. Friends father pounded a few beers back then started complaining about "Speed traps". I said its not much of a trap since they have signs reminding you of the speed limit before you get to them. The spot he was complaining about has at least 4 signs for the speed limit. They are slowing you down because the that is the end of the highway.

He thinks they put the signs up to trap you. I feel its the other way around. Its just an easy spot to pick off people that are not following the rules. Why wouldn't you set up there?

"Bust a nut inside your eye, to show you where I come from"
"f youre horny, lets do it, Ride it, my pony, My saddles waitin, Come and jump on it, If youre horny, lets do it"
"I'm not a playa I just fuck a lot"
"Round two, I'm down to Do, what it takes to make you
Understand I'm the Candyman And I melt in your mouth, not in your hands Hard as rock, yes I'm no sucka The boots I knock make me one bad mutha"
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