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Old 07-01-2008, 01:47 PM   #14
Just a Noob
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Location: Pensacola, FL
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Originally Posted by Rider View Post
Yeah she rode a 250 nighthawk. I keep telling her I don't think it's a good idea for her to take that bike out. Then her response is... "didn't you start out on a 750(Kawi Z750)?" I'm like yeah but I also rode dirt bikes my entire life..... My biggest concern would be her dropping it while doing low speed maneuvers like turning around in out driveway or in the street making a u turn. I know she'd be real easy in the throttle... She admitted to dropping the bike at the MSF course once when she was practicing her figure 8's.
Yeah ,its not so much I worry about her basic rider skills as it is everyone else on the street i worry about. In that parking lot she didn't have to worry about true emergency braking (I know they teach you how to but until someone gets real world experience you never know how there gonna react weather it be panick or apply the fundamentals they have learned)and cars trying to merge over on you and things like that. I would just be worried that in a danger unexpected situation a noob rider will make a few mistakes as to the best way to avoid the danger, and as we all know these mistakes can be a lot harder to control on the bigger more powerful bikes.
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