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Old 04-09-2014, 08:16 AM   #39
Nomadic Tribesman
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Originally Posted by Trip View Post
You do realize the new battleground of abortion is being able to admit women into hospitals fast. Democrats say you don't need that shit for abortion, Republicans are saying you do because it's an easy way to shut down a lot of clinics because they don't have the ability to quick admit. Abortion is not nearly on the same level as getting your balls snipped. It is at least on par or safer than going full term. Using the dangers of abortion is meaningless because they face something just as dangerous regardless of if they do the procedure or not.

The inequality of parental rights is a great point as well. The inequality doesn't stop once it is no longer "her body," it continues well into the child's life. That's horseshit. A father is just as qualified to raise a child as any mother. Half custody should be mandatory unless one party is incompetent.
And yet the father doesn't face all of the physical risks that a woman does.

I used vasectomies as an example simply because is the reproductive angle, not because of any sort of parity. Vasectomies are actually much safer than even so-called safe abortions. Complications are minimal. I was going for the emotional attachment that most guys, especially those who would put their selfish desires over the safety and health of a woman, have to their balls
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