Thread: Hey upshift...
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Old 07-03-2008, 12:56 PM   #8
Looing for a bike...
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Originally Posted by PiZdETS View Post
I just had the greatest idea EVAR.
Keep your v6 mustang stock, dont touch it at all, it's a daily driver and it's a big fat heavy car which will never be as quick/fast/responsive as your bike.
Turn your bike into...a track bike. You'll never have to worry about your visor being too dark because you wont be riding in the dark, you dont have to worry about traffic, your mom will worry less when you explain the safey measures and lack of crazy car drivers, you'll become a waaaaay better rider, have shitloads of fun you never thought possible, all while still riding your bike and have a sweet mustang you can afford.

Trust me dude, I just solved your problem.
Not a bad idea but I've alredy considered that and threw it out. The nearest track is like 2 hours away and the start up cost would be insane (tires, gas, etc.) And I don't have the $$ right now to do that. Plus if I could afford it it would interfere with my work and school schedule.

And if I wasn't on my BB I would steal that for my sig OSP
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