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Old 07-08-2008, 03:10 PM   #4
Hold mah beer!
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Originally Posted by Phenix_Rider View Post
Okay, I rode the SV650. That suspension is weak shit. It felt vague and depressing, on the mushy side of all the bikes I've ridden. But fine for the street for a new rider. Anyway, the 650R's suspension is much stiffer, and far less likely to bottom.

I wasn't talking about more experienced riders or riders with several track days completed. I know a racer (CCS) at work that ran SVs. His lap times with fully adjustable upgraded GSXR suspension were barely faster than with the stock SV stuff. And he was winning races.

I'm not saying "don't waste your money on suspension." I am saying It's not a necessity when you don't know what you're doing on the stock equipment.
I fully disagree because you never know what the stock or shop or previous owner did in some cases to the stock suspension. I am not about to advise anyone to start riding track on an untuned bike, it should be one of the first things to be checked out and set up for you before you set rubber on a track. It should at least be tuned as closely as it can, because you can get it closer to your need even if you can't get it perfect. It's like going out on tires you don't know the air pressure.
Originally Posted by ebbs15 View Post
according to the article tell him to drink ginger tea...
Originally Posted by Tigger
Whatever,Stoner is a bitch! O.J. Simpson has TWO fucked knees and a severe hang nail on his left index finger but he still managed to kill two younger adults,sprint 200 feet to his car (wearing very expensive,yet uncomfortable Italian shoes) and make his get a way!!!
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