Having been in Arizona and away from family for the last 18 years, it was great to get to know everybody again or for the first time. During an Iron Butt ride around Michigan with my dad, brother and Drewpy we came to a really nice straightand long section of road. Well dad was out front Drewpy and I were almost side by side behind him with Steve behind us. I looked over at Drewpy and gave him the “LETS GET GRAMPS”
sign. He didn’t know what happened. Andrew and I passed him one on each side and kept on going. A couple of seconds later he was passing me and hunting down Drewpy who was in full tuck and banging on his red line. Well the 73 year old man was sitting up as if driving Miss Daisy and was catching up to him. Drewpy later said he could not believe gramps was gaining on him
. Mean while Steve was back about 2 miles getting PISSED on his 600 Honda Shadow maxed out at 72MPH.