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Old 12-10-2008, 01:15 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Captain Morgan View Post
Most likely. I remember several years ago some company sold some goofy keychains with an "electronic pet." You had to feed the pet, give it attention, take it for walks, etc. If you didn't do enough for the pet, the keychain would beep at you and eventually the pet would die from neglect. People were getting in wrecks because they were paying more attention to their "pet" than they were paying to actually driving. Could very well be the same thing with this damn vine thing.
Replace electronic pet with Cellphone and it's the same fucking story. I've been extremely close to getting plowed into by idiots talking on their phone and not paying attention to the road. If they do realize they're about to fuck up and cause serious damage, there's only a half fleeting moment of recognition. Otherwise they just don't realize they're swerving into another car or trying to occupy the same space that my car is in at the same time.

I wish every single person talking on a cell phone while driving would have a catastrophic blowout, flipping their car and ejecting them from their vehicle. I hope their vehicle explodes and it's not covered by insurance. I hope when their mangled body hits the road, it's split in half by a truck and their ass lands on their head, pinning them down. I hope a dog sees the person's mouth agape and skull fucks these idiots and blows a load right in their mouth. And while they're lying there, with dog cum in their mouth and split in half, I hope their lower body finally loses tension and releases its hold on the piss and shit that they've been holding until they get to work and all of it just drips into their mouth so that their final moments are spent with a mouth full of their own piss and shit, as well as a load from a satisfied dog.
Half man, half horse, half motorcycle. All awesome.

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